

1. couldn't sleep much last night damn dreams were to vivid, so i turned to our past aim conversations to keep me company
2. masturbation no longer amuses me, i now do it out of routine (i just don't cum like i used to)
3. i'm falling in love with your awkwardness and finding beauty in your flaws, crazy but they compliment mines
4. i've cried twice in the last two weeks, sigh
5. tom ford nuff said (genius) i've developed a crush on this old white man
6. i miss our old aim conversations, they now feel empty and forced. somewhere between the first capitalized letter and the last period something went missing. i just don't have the strength to find out what it was.
7. today i promise to get a good read in my new book of choice "gentleman jigger"
8. i wish those shoes would have hit bush dead in his face, or that i was the lucky man to throw them lol

9. jazmine sullivans rendition of "round midnight" has been doing something to as of lately
10. i have a crush of one of my fellow blogger's words, they force me to think and to think uninhibitedly, is it possible to have a crush on ones pen?
11. for the record i've never considered myself a writer or a poet...
12. my sexuality has been questioned often times in the past, i feel that i should not be little my existence to something as small as human sexuality, so from now on i will just state that i'm merely attracted to people...
13. ny seems to be the piece of me that i've always felt was missing, this city makes me happy beyond measure at the times when i feel like i cant smile
14. i asked you how many others had occupied the space in your bed that i was finding comfort in, you told me not to worry, you had washed the sheets after they left and their stories had been erased, -well how many stories have you erased? as i figured you lost count, referencing the teachings of your mother who taught you to love through intermingled sheets, and to erase well wash those whose stories didn't end well.
15. i can't fault you because your a writer and like some many others i fell in love with words that carried some many meanings, my translated meaning not being one of those that mattered
16. why am i tip toeing around the notion of love as if i'm preparing to have an affair...

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